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Antigravity battery shaved a whopping 45 pounds off of my Audi RS5!
Audi S4 huge weight reduction with Antigravity Battery | Lithium Technology & Battery Coding
Antigravity the Best Lithium Ion lightweight battery for your car
Antigravity battery
antigravity ATX30HD on STI
Andy Oakley - Tearing Up Targa!
Anti-Gravity RS-20 Lithium-Ion Battery from Lane Automotive
Antigravity Battery on a s550 Mustang \ Car Won’t Start - OEM Battery 🔋 Replaced!
You won't believe how light it is! Antigravity ATX-20-HD lithium battery! Best weight reduction mod!
Audi RS5 v8 launch exhaust sound
Putting a 5 lb. lithium battery in a Subaru
My AUDI RS5 Is SO DESTROYED That We Are No Longer Rebuilding it, We Are Literally BUILDING It!